Digital Media: Not the end-all be-all.

There is a lot, and I mean a lot of reading in my M.Ed program; much more then my MSOL degree ever had. So the issue this microblog topic covers is an issue that eluded me for most of my studies.

Since starting my second masters, I have noticed that I have been struggling to retain much of what I read for my course as the textbook for my current course is provided to us digitally. I just chalked this issue up initially as the book being "dry textbook material". But I started to second guess recently because I love to read for entertainment, and I always prefer print media over digital media where I have zero retention issues; now I know why.

Turns out there is more to it than meets the eye. According to what I read in this journal, we seem to read differently digitally vs. print. It may come down to the tactile reading process that print media affords. I just assumed I preferred print media because I like to own the content physically; there is something truly enjoyable about owning an actual book and having your own physical library that gets lost in the digital realm.

I thought I was more engaged with print media due to the physical connection you have when holding/collecting books, and that my engagement levels were the root cause of the retention issues. Interesting how there is more to this topic, with the data to show us the difference in retention and comprehension, and the factors therein.

In addition to the journal I have found on this topic referenced above, I will leave you all with an interesting read from CBS about the topic. 

Don't throw away your printed books: A meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension.

Books vs. e-books: The science behind the best way to read


  1. Great post, BJ. Lots of food for thought. I prefer print books. I never considered the retention issue, but it's certainly interesting to consider. Thanks for sharing.

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