15-Min Struggles to 1-Hour Achievements

Hey there, friends! I just wanted to give you all a quick update on my weight loss journey. Guess what? I'm now doing 1-hour walks! It's been a real struggle as I adjust and I'm sore all over, but I can't help but feel proud considering how hard this has been. For some perspective, last month I was barely able to do 10-15 minute walks in one go before I needed rest time. But I kept pushing myself, little by little, and now I'm walking a whole hour in one go! 

This has been a very humbling experience considering I used to jog for an hour five nights a week. Seeing how far I have regressed was a bit rough for me to come to terms with, but the past is in the past -- there is only the here and now! 

Another thing -- I wanted to mention that I've been doing most of my walking outside. I know I know I have treadmill... but honestly, I can't stand the treadmill -- it's sooo boring! I'll only use it if I have no other choice. I just love being outdoors, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying all the sights and sounds that come with it when walking. Plus, it's way more fun when there's always something new to look at, right?

Progress is progress! I am down 15 pounds since I started, and now that my cardio is ramping up, I expect it to start melting off fast. To my friends, family, and readers of this blog alike -- thanks for being there with me every step of the way. Your support means the world to me!

Stay tuned for more updates, and keep on walking, friends! ✌️

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